5 ways to become a better human

march 16, 2021

Lilly Groszman

Let's begin

Saving a life has never been easier

Everyone has a little bit of “I want to save the world” in them, but our perspective of the world is limited to our subjective experience. We can never really know for sure what the world needs, or what changes need to be made. But one thing for sure is changing the world is a consequence of being the best human being you could possibly be. Wanting and succeeding in bettering yourself and the people around you is the best place to begin. Swab The World provides a simple means to save another human being’s life – bettering yourself and the people around you. Yet, most people who can make a difference have almost never heard of stem cell donation. So here are 5 simple ways you can become a better person!

Option 1

Join the stem cell donor registry

If you're between the ages of 18 and 35 (in Quebec), and are in good health, you've got it in you to cure someone and potentially save a life! All you need to do is go to your local stem cell donor registry website to sign up. One you receive your swabbing kit in the mail, you will have to swab your cheek and return the sample for free. Or, pick up that phone when they call to schedule your blood sample. Whatever the method your donor bank uses, once your DNA is in, you’ll be registered in an international donor database. No matter where you live, your country’s national registry is linked to the international database. If you ever become a match, it means you’re the only one who can save your fellow human. This is when the exciting process of donating your stem cells to your special match begins. The two most common methods of donation are peripheral blood stem cell donation (most common) and bone marrow donation. About 24 to 36 hours after you donate, someone will get a second chance at life.

Option 2

Become a swab ambassador

If you're a student at McGill University, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke, Université de Laval, University of Toronto, Hofstra University, contact your school’s Swab the World’s branch and find out how you can get involved. As an ambassador, you will be expected to aid in the organization and delivery of swabbing events, as well as to complete an online training program. Our growing network of swab ambassadors consists of students dedicated to increasing awareness of the stem cell donation process and diversifying the worldwide stem cell donor database. If your school is not up on the list, send us an email at [email protected] and find out how you can start a Swab The World chapter at your school!

Option 3

Attend a Swab Talk and get informed

Invite Swab The World to speak at your organization, host a Swab Talk, or simply attend a virtual Zoom Swab Talk (for free! – check our social media pages for upcoming virtual events). We do Swab Talks in both French and English, so you decide what works best for your team. These conferences help raise awareness about stem cell donation, shatter myths around stem cell and bone marrow donation, make it easy for people to become donors with an on-site buccal swab (non-virtual talks), and for businesses, having us over is proof that your business genuinely cares about employees hailing from diverse communities!

Option 4

Donate money

If you don’t meet the requirement to join the registry (or if you do and simply feel extra generous!), your financial support can also help Swab The World's mission. Swab The World is funded solely by personal and corporate donations. It is only through generous donations that Swab The World can reach millions of potential matches for blood cancer patients around the world. By donating, you can help give all cancer patients a fair, fighting chance.

Option 5

Talk about it

Read a donor’s story, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on social media. Talk about what you learned with your family and friends, share our posts on social media, and start conversations! We truly believe that activism and knowledge is what drives change.

Let's do this

Give it a try

This is exactly how YOU can be the BEST POSSIBLE version of yourself. This is how YOU can change the world 💙🌎

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